Tuesday 12 March 2013

Home Blessing

Good evening All!! Well would you look at that! Despite leaves dropping off and a very sickly appearance, my little blue flower plant has decided to give flowering another go!! And they are fabulous!! Looks lovely next to my teapot full of daffodils...

A not so lovely thing to look at this afternoon was my bedroom. Which can only be described as a complete mess, a pig sty, as if a hurricane had blown through or a bomb exploded- essentially, stuff was everywhere! So I decided it was time to do a little home blessing and tidy.

The music was turned up and things methodically put away, thrown away or recycled. Then I decided to hoover...only issue is...our hoover looks like this...

It was already here when we moved in and seems to be missing a vital middle part connecting these two end sections...so basically we have to hold the black tube in the hoover bit and pick the whole thing up! Doesn't really work well and I ended up hand hoovering (crawling around on hands and knees picking up all the minute bits of thread and fluff, feeding it to the hoover as I went) instead. Was worth it though!
So now my room is blissfully tidy!! Remember what it looked like?



Oh that really is MUCH better! I do love my crochet basket in the corner there, so colourful and, well, woolly!

And what do I spy on my desk there?

A well deserved treat- with a pom pom bunny!!

Just quickly before I let you get on (I'm sure you are all now inspired to do some home blessing yourselves!), another parcel from The Mother- who appears to have been endlessly crocheting... (oh and I must just say thank you to my Grandad for the coasters, very nice!!)

The owls are very cute aren't they? And she has branched out into posh granny squares!!

So there we have it! What have you all been doing this afternoon?

(An image to leave you with, some finished daffies- and a leaf!!)

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